Indigo Technology


Donor Data Xactly how you need it

Donation data in multiple spreadsheets?


Spend hours comparing donation records and matching misspelled names, updating addresses?

Political Campaigns

A direct integration with FEC data combined with the ability to import donation data from Excel provides ongoing campaign donor management.

Non-Profit Organizations

Import donation data from any source (Eventbrite, Quickbooks, Paypal, etc.) and automatically match the donation to the primary donor record.  Integrates with Salesforce.

Cleaned data now can be used to generate fundraising campaign lists and craft donor communications in a meaningful way. 

Capture donor information

Match donations from different sources to a single donor

Link Duplicate Records

Create Targeted Lists for Ads or Emails

Donor names can be spelled differently or the addresses are ‘Street’ vs ‘St.’ between lists, but YOU know they are the same.


Xactly Match Them

Donor Records = Problems
Name Spelling errors, Address Differences, etc.

Xactor does too, and matches them at a greater than 95% accuracy rate. saving you time, ensuring your data is clean, and allowing you to decide what to do with the 5% that didn’t match. 

Jon Smith, 123 Main Street

Create Lists

Now that your data is clean, consolidated, and matched to the right primary Donor record, create reports and lists so you can learn who your best donors are and the attributes they share.

  • Donors above a certain dollar amount or frequency of donation
  • Donors with ties to another political candidate or non-profit
  • Now that you know the characteristics of a great donor. Create a list targeting others that share those same attributes (Zip code, Title, Industry, political affiliation, etc.)